среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

chandos lake cottage rentals

Keith Olbermann delivers a short yet very potent special comment to John McCain and Sarah Palin about inciting violence and insane mob like mentalities at their rallies

It's about time someone said what they were really thinking about this bullshit. Now if only McCain and Palin could actually be charged for inciting hate and threats against Senator Obama. Both Palin and McCain refuse to calm their crowds down. They even have their staff on the ground telling their people to link Obama to terrorism, bombings, and Osama Bin Laden. What these two are doing are doing and willing to accept in order to win the presidency is some of the most vile and disgusting tactics yet. And I thought Hillary Clinton took the Queen of Cunts crown for her comments during the primary season like "He is not a Muslim....As far as I know." And of course the infamous "3 AM" ad.

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